Sharing the Essence of Hospitality: A Barista’s Perspective

Aji Ekasapta
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Picture this: You walk into your favorite coffee shop, eagerly anticipating that first sip of your go-to brew. As you approach the counter, you’re greeted by a warm smile and a genuine inquiry about your day. That simple gesture of hospitality sets the tone for your entire experience, transforming a routine coffee run into a moment of connection and comfort.

Credit: Ahmad Fahrizal

But have you ever stopped to consider what it takes to provide that level of hospitality, especially from behind the counter? As a barista, the art of crafting the perfect cup of coffee goes beyond just mastering the espresso machine or perfecting latte art. It’s about creating an atmosphere where every customer feels welcomed, valued, and cared for.

However, here’s the catch: it’s impossible to truly give hospitality as a barista until you’ve experienced firsthand how incredible it feels to receive it. Why? Because hospitality isn’t just a transactional exchange of goods and services — it’s a deeply human experience rooted in empathy, kindness, and genuine connection.

Think about the last time you were on the receiving end of exceptional hospitality. Maybe it was a cozy cafe where the barista remembered your name and your usual order, or perhaps it was a restaurant where the waiter went above and beyond to ensure your dining experience was nothing short of extraordinary. Whatever the case, chances are that feeling of being seen, understood, and appreciated left a lasting impression.

Now, imagine trying to replicate that feeling for others without ever having experienced it yourself. It’s like trying to describe the taste of chocolate to someone who’s never had a sweet tooth or the sensation of a warm hug to someone who’s never felt lonely. No matter how skilled you are at making coffee or how efficiently you can take orders, true hospitality cannot be manufactured — it must be felt, understood, and shared from the heart.

So, how can baristas cultivate this sense of hospitality if they haven’t experienced it themselves? The answer lies in empathy — the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their needs, desires, and emotions. By taking the time to listen, observe, and empathize with customers, baristas can create moments of hospitality that transcend the simple act of serving coffee.

But empathy alone isn’t enough. Baristas must also cultivate a genuine sense of care and compassion for those they serve. Whether it’s offering a sympathetic ear to a customer going through a rough day or simply remembering their favorite drink, small gestures of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s day.

Ultimately, hospitality isn’t just a skill — it’s a mindset. It’s about approaching every interaction with openness, generosity, and a sincere desire to make someone else’s day a little bit brighter. And while it may seem daunting at first, especially for those who have yet to experience the power of hospitality themselves, it’s a journey worth embarking on.

So, the next time you step behind the counter as a barista, remember this: hospitality isn’t something you give — it’s something you share. And the more you open your heart to the experience of receiving hospitality, the more effortlessly you’ll be able to create it for others. After all, there’s no greater joy than knowing you’ve made someone feel truly welcomed, valued, and cared for — even if it’s just one cup of coffee at a time.



Aji Ekasapta

Coffee Professional. Elevating coffee experiences beyond expectations with expertise and creativity.