It’s All About Being Here, Right Now

Aji Ekasapta
1 min readJun 2, 2024


Hospitality tends to take a backseat, lost in the shuffle of our busy lives. But let’s hit pause for a sec and remember what it’s really about: being present.

Imagine this: You stroll into a cozy diner, not just drawn by the smell of sizzling bacon, but by the server who flashes you a genuine grin and takes a moment to chat. It’s not just about grabbing a bite; it’s about feeling like you belong.

Being present in hospitality isn’t just about ticking off tasks. It’s about really connecting with folks, tuning in to their needs, and showing some genuine care. It’s about making people feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

When we make being present a priority in hospitality, we open the door to genuine connections. Whether it’s a quick joke, a heartfelt chat, or just being fully in the moment, those little moments of presence can turn an ordinary experience into something special.

In a world where everything feels rushed and distant, the magic of being present in hospitality is huge. It’s not just about serving; it’s about creating those real connections that stick with people. So, let’s bring back the good vibes of being here, right now in hospitality. Because when we do, we’re not just making others’ days brighter — we’re making our own too.



Aji Ekasapta

Coffee Professional. Elevating coffee experiences beyond expectations with expertise and creativity.